- Tipo : Three-masted schooner
- Bandera : Indonésie
Dewaruci (1000or KRI Dewaruci) is a three-master schooner with hull steel built in Hamburg. It is the training ship of Indonesian Marine.
The construction of Dewaruci began in 1932, but was suspended because of the explosion of the Second World War, which caused grave damage in the shipyard where it was under construction. He was finished finally in 1952 and thrown in 1953.
Dewaruci benefits from a modern technology. He possesses a hypermarket of buckle, using a system of roadbed for the balancing under veil.
Initial KRI means Kapal perang Republik Indonesia, that is "Warship of the Republic of Indonesia". Each of three masts is dedicated to one of the big Indonesian islands. The currency of the ship Quoted Quoted, akal budi, berani jujur, guna bhakti which means: "inhalation, reason, courage and loyalty, merit and duty".
The boat contains three bridges to welcome the crew and the younger children who make their learning on this training ship.
Participation in the Armada: 2003