- Tipo : Three-masted clipper
- Año de lanzamiento : 1989
- Eslora total : 109,40 m
- Manga : 14 m
- Calado : 6,60 m
- Velamen : 3015 m2 (100026 voiles)
- Desplazamiento : 2946 T
- Astillero : Gdansk - Pologne
- Armador : Institut naval technologique
- Bandera : Ukraine
- Puerto base : Kertch - Russie
Khersones is a modern square three-master, built in the Polish shipyards of Gdansk, Ukrainian training ship. " The Lady of Crimea " is nicknamed.
Initially planned for the instruction of the younger sailors of the Soviet merchant navy him had to replace another big sailboat: Tovarishch. With the explosion of the USSR, it became the property of the maritime technological Institute of Kerch, by the sea Black, in Ukraine, as training ship of the young sailors of this new country.
Khersones is the sister-ship of a numerous lineage of big sailboats, the elder brother of which is Polish Dar Mlodziezy, together with the Russians Mir, Pallada and Nadejda and of the Ukrainian Druzhba.
Its name is a summary of two places: the peninsula Chersonèse in the Black Sea, and the city of Kherson.
From 1993, by financial need, it embarks passengers for various cruises. In January, 1997, it passes the Cape Horn with hundred passengers, and pursues since then a more quiet road also by participating in different Tall Ships ' Races.
Participation in the armada: 1989, 1994, 1999