- Tripulación : 4 marins et 20 cadets
- Tipo : Bermudian Ketch
- Año de lanzamiento : 1994
- Eslora total : 28,30 m
- Manga : 6,80 m
- Calado : 4 m
- Desplazamiento : 80 T
- Armador : Marina Militare
- Bandera : Italie
- Puerto base : La Spezia - Italie
Orsa Maggiore (1000In 5323) is a modern sailboat rigged there ketch in Bermudian rigging (1000or Marconi), perfectly adapted to the training(1000formation) of the officer cadets of Italian Marine.
The name of "Orsa Maggiore" is the Italian name of the constellation of the Great Bear.
It is established(1000constituted) that by high-technology materials(1000subjects), as the carbon which allows to reduce the weight of the boat to take off better on the water.
He(1000It) navigates usually in the Mediterranean Sea.
Participation in the Armada: 2003