- Tipo : Three-masted clipper
- Año de lanzamiento : 2000
- Eslora total : 76 m
- Manga : 10.5 m
- Astillero : OSDH BV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Armador : Rederij Clipper Stad Amsterdam
- Bandera : Pays-Bas
- Puerto base : Amsterdam
Stad Amsterdam was built from 1997 to 2000 and it is XIX century inspired. This kind of ship, a full-rigged clipper, was used to transport non-perishable goods of great value, such as tea and spices.
It is the youngest heir of the fast clippers of the years 1850/1860. Its hull is metallic. This vessel was built by unemployed people in the process of reorientation and young people that finished their secondary education by drawing inspiration from the historic frigate "Amsterdam". This project was a truly social dynamic for the city of Amsterdam.
It can reach up to 15 knots in maximum speed.
Participation in Armada: 2003, 2008